Do I have to visit your workshop to get my car serviced?

No! Our mobile mechanics either fix your vehicle at your home or office. Alternatively, we pickup, fix and return your vehicle to you in great shape.

How long does it take to service vehicles?

It takes approximately 4 to 6 hours depending on the addition of other optional services e.g. cabin filter change.

What if my vehicle develops same fault after repairing at your workshop?

We take responsibility by offering warranty for parts procured and services rendered by our us. Note that warranty does not cover consumable items

Do I have to pay for my vehicle to be inspected?

We offer free visual inspection to all our clients. However, a more elaborate Diagnostic & Inspection attracts charges

At what point do you request for payment for the required service?

Diagnostic & Inspection charges are paid prior to our mobile mechanics mobilising to fix the vehicle at location (Home or Office). The money you pay is non-refundable, if you didn’t approve the job after the estimate. But if you eventually approve the job, the inspection charges you paid will be reconciled in the final invoice.

Do I need to tip the mechanic?

No. You do not need to tip the mechanic. You are dealing with the company directly and not the mechanic that comes to repair your vehicle.

What happens if the mechanic discovers additional repair while carrying out work on my vehicle?

The mechanic will have to report the additional repair needed, to the company. Estimate for the additional repair would be sent to you (the vehicle owner) electronically via the web application for approval. Additional work would only be done on your approval.

Can I supply my own parts?

We allow customers to provide their own parts, if they so wish. Our warranty does not cover parts supplied by customer.

Do you fix used parts?

We do not fix used parts except parts which the vehicle manufacturer has discontinued production. In such situation, customer will have to approve used part before we can use it.